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Malpas Court Primary School

Where children learn to live and live to learn in an ever changing world

Class Dojo

“ClassDoJo” is our main communication platform. All children have an account and communication with parents is on a regular basis. The school can provide training for all parents and it is a necessity that ALL parents are able to log on and access the information. Training for parents can be accessed at

ClassDojo is an amazing way of communicating with every family in school and remotely. We have found that ClassDojo connects teachers with pupils and parents helping us to build an amazing classroom community, particularly in these unprecedented times.

Information for parents on how to use ClassDojo can also be accessed via

Communication is essential in these unprecedented times when social distancing is required and the potential for a new period of distance learning becomes a reality. ClassDojo will now act as our first point of contact between the school, pupils and parents. This platform allows confidential correspondence to take place under your child’s “emoji” and there is also a general information page called “school story” which all parents, governors and school staff can access when they log on.


Individual queries which are personal to your child will need to be posted through your child’s ClassDojo account on the class Teachers page. The class teacher will only respond to messages between the hours of 8am and 5pm. It is important to remember that we are in the midst of a world pandemic and although every step will be taken to reduce risk, we will all need to remain focused on safety. There are going to be many frequently asked questions. To ensure consistency, if you have a general question please use ClassDojo to contact your child’s class teacher and they will forward your question to the school’s leadership team. All answers will then be posted anonymously on school story to inform all parents. ClassDojo allows the school to know if messages have been read, allows cross language barriers with translation and enables fast responses with notifications.


ClassDojo has enabled us to share lessons, create activities and schedule events, all in one place! Portfolios make it easy to engage pupils in the learning in the classroom, and out of it. Pupils can showcase and share their learning by adding photos and videos to their own portfolios.