Reception - Little Acorns

Welcome to the Reception Class Page!
Our Reception class teacher is Mrs Silcox, supported by Miss Harris and Miss Healy.
Please keep and eye out on our Class Dojo page for information about the class, photos of what the children have been getting up to and information about the topics we will be doing.
We will also be updating this class page with lots of information too.
If you have any questions or queries regarding your child in reception, please don't hesitate to message us on Dojo, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Click the links below to see our adventures in Reception!
70 Things To Do Below You Leave Malpas Court - Reception
Raise money for charity | Cook something yummy | Run around in the rain and splash in puddles | Melt a snowflake on your tongue | Catch a falling leaf |
Make a mud pie | Eat something you have grown | Take a class teddy on an adventure | Roll down a very big hill | Go for a walk barefoot |
Learning at Home - Activity Ideas
Keep the Balloon Up
Outdoor on a calm, windless day, or inside, have your kids use their hands or half of a pool noodle to keep a balloon afloat. How long can they keep the balloon off the ground?
Run Away From the Monster
Kids love a game of chase, especially with a parent or other adult they trust. A game of running from a “scary” monster will involve much squealing with delight.
Simon/Simone Says
While the rules are simple, the options for movement are endless. Simon can have kids jumping like a kangaroo, standing as tall as a house, making funny faces, standing on one foot, or waving their hands over their heads.
Balance Beam
Using an actual gymnastics beam isn’t the only way for a child to learn balance skills. Indoors, use painters tape to make a straight line on the floor. Encourage your child to walk forwards, backwards, and sideways.
Outdoors, use a plank of wood, a rope, or make a line with chalk for the same activity. When your child masters a straight line, add semi-circles or zigzags to add a bit more of a challenge.
Long Jump
Just how far can your child jump? Challenge them indoors by having them jump on lines made by painters tape on the floor or outdoors on grass or in the sand.