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Malpas Court Primary School

Where children learn to live and live to learn in an ever changing world

Governing Body


The Governing Body is a corporate body that supports the school in making decisions regarding curriculum, staffing and finances.


The Governors work closely with the Headteacher, staff, pupils and Local Authority to support the school and make it more effective.  It is important that the Governing Body act as a critical friend to provide guidance for the Headteacher whilst constructively questioning proposals and data. 


Our Chair of Governors is Cllr David Mayer



Governor name

Governor Type

David Mayer

Local Authority Appointed

Jane Mudd

Local Authority Appointed

William Langsford

Local Authority Appointed

Anna-Marie Cox

Community Governor

Rebecca Stevens

Community Governor

Sarah Warren

Community Governor

Sarah Redman

Parent Representative

Sarah Lloyd-Collins

Parent Representative

Kirsty Watts

Parent Representative


Parent Representative

Ashleigh Manfield

Staff Representative

Ceri Rawlings

Teacher Representative

Rhiannon Llewellyn




Governor AOLE Groups:

Language, literacy and communication / Welsh - Ms A.M Cox

Maths and Numeracy - Mr W Langsford

Science / ICT - VACANCY

Expressive Arts - Cllr D Mayer

Health and Well-being - Mrs S Warren and Mrs S Redman

Humanities - Rev R Stevens 

Strategic - Cllr D Mayer and Rev R Stevens

Staff and Governor Links:

Additional Learning Needs - Mrs D Webb 

Safeguarding, Child Protection and Looked After Children - Mrs R Llewellyn and Cllr D Mayer

PGD Champion and Closing the Gap - Mrs R Llewellyn, Mrs D Webb and Mr W Langsford

Attendance - Mrs S Jones and Mrs C Rawlings

Health and Safety - Mrs K Boardman and Mrs S Warren

Literacy - Mrs A Mead and Ms A.M Cox

Numeracy and Maths - Mrs R Mason and Ms W Langford

Data - Mrs R Llewellyn and Ms A.M Cox

Digital Technology and Hwb - Mrs T Jones and Cllr D Mayer

MAT - Mrs C Rawlings and Rev R Stevens

SRE - Mrs H Silcox

Self Evaluation - Mrs Llewellyn and Ms A.M Cox
