Latest update
Chairperson: Mrs J Giles
Vice Chairperson: Mr S Rayer
Secretary: Mrs K Guest
Treasurer: Mr R Hughes
Tuesday 9th February 2021.
Return to School for Foundation Phase Pupils
Dear Parents and Guardians,
In line with the recent announcement by Welsh Government, we are currently planning a return to face to face teaching for the younger pupils across the city; those children in Nursery, Reception Class, Year One and Year Two.
Following this announcement last Friday, we committed individually to provide the parents of Foundation Phase pupils across Newport with more detailed plans for a return to school, early this week. However, we regret to inform you that we are not currently in a position to do so.
Schools across Wales are awaiting Welsh Government’s publication of the latest ‘operational guidance’ in response to this decision. Only when we are furnished with this information will we be in a position to update our risk assessments by giving careful consideration to all matters involved, in order to provide reassurance to our whole school communities that the return is as safe as possible for all.
As soon as we are in receipt of this guidance you will be updated as a matter of urgency by the Head Teacher of each primary and special school in Newport.
Kind regards,
The Newport Association of Primary Head Teachers