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Malpas Court Primary School

Where children learn to live and live to learn in an ever changing world

Free School Meals - Very Important Information

Free School Meals- Very Important Information


Please see the letter below from Newport City Council in regards to their new system for free school meals.


Parents will now receive fortnightly vouchers that they can spend on food instead of picking up a packed lunch. These vouchers will be emailed to you next week. You do not need to do anything or apply for them, these emails will be sent automatically.


Important- if you have not received an email by the end of next week (Friday 1st May) you should message the school at to provide your correct email address.


Many thanks


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Education Business Support

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To The Parents / Carers of all pupils attending Newport Schools


who are entitled to Free School Meals


23rd April 2020


Dear Parent / Carer


Free School Meal Provision from 27th April 2020


Following their recent announcement regarding school closures as part of the ongoing response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Welsh Government confirmed that Local Authorities should continue to arrange to provide free school meals to eligible pupils. Since 23rd March, this provision has been by way of initially a daily packed lunch and more recently a weekly packed lunch parcel.


From Monday 27th April 2020, this provision will change, and instead the families of eligible pupils will now receive a fortnightly supermarket voucher to the value of £39 per child. There is no application process required; the Council will simply arrange to issue a voucher in respect of each child who is eligible for this benefit. Vouchers are redeemable in all branches of Asda, Sainsbury’s and Tesco and will be sent to you by email. The first of these fortnightly vouchers will be issued around the middle of next week.


Schools are currently collating their lists of eligible students and as part of this will be confirming your email address. If you do not have an email address, your voucher will be sent to your child’s school from where you can arrange to collect it.


A company called iCom is supporting the purchase and distribution of these vouchers. When you receive your email from iCom, they will also provide details around how the voucher should be activated and redeemed.


Please note it is intended that parents / carers use these vouchers for the benefit of their free school meal eligible children, and therefore they cannot be redeemed against the purchase of fuel, tobacco or alcohol.


I hope you find these vouchers to be a positive step forward, and wish you and your families well in these difficult and challenging times.


Yours sincerely


Sarah Morgan

Prif Swyddog Addysg

Chief Education Officer

