Happy New Year
Happy new year - let’s hope that 2021 is a better year for us all.
A lot has happened since school closed to pupils on Wednesday 16th December. The Coronavirus pandemic has heightened along with the complication of a new variant which is still to be fully understood but appears to be significantly more infectious. My post prior to Christmas informed you that Newport City Council made the decision to close schools for face to face learning until Monday 11th January.
Class teachers have set activities for pupils for Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th January with online activities via lessons at set times from Wednesday 6th January to Friday 8th January. These activities will comprise of face to face lessons and follow up activities for pupils. Please support your children to access and complete these activities. This form of learning may well be the way forward over the next few months. Pupils will need to access the lessons through class Dojo, Google classroom or TEAMs. Teachers will provide further details via Dojo, please keep an eye on the class story for updates. Over time pupils will hopefully become familiar with accessing online lessons with greater independence. If you need help please contact the teacher through class Dojo or via school e mail.
The situation is changing at a rapid pace. I will inform you of any changes as soon as I am made aware from the Welsh Government.
The school will be open on Wednesday 6th to Friday 8th January for children of key worker families only, who are unable to organise alternative childcare. An application must be completed and submitted to the school by midday on Tuesday 5th January.
Application link:
Stay Safe
Mrs Guy