Message to Parents
I am sure that by now you will be aware of the Welsh Governments announcement that pupils will be able to attend school and meet up with their class teacher before the end of the Summer Term, which has been extended to July 27th. The phase will begin on June 29th.
Meetings with the Local Authority and other Head Teachers, over the next week, will take place to ensure that we have a plan to move forward safely. I know that you will appreciate that there will be a considerable amount of planning required prior to pupils returning to school.
I will keep you all informed and show pupils what they can expect to see when they return to school so they are able to prepare. This will allow individual parents the opportunity to make an informed decision as to whether to allow their child to return or not.
I welcome any comments or thoughts that can help us move forward in these unprecedented times.
Thank you for your continued support.
Debra Guy