Reminders for parents – Return to school
As you know, pupils will be returning from Monday 29th June for Check in, Catch up and Prepare sessions. Sessions are 9am – 1pm.
You will have been contacted by your child’s teacher with the week day that your child will be attending. Information about entrance/exit doors has already been shared.
ACCESS TO THE OFFICE IS NOT PERMITTED. Please contact the office via telephone (01633 855005) or email ( if you have any queries.
Pupils HAVE to be escorted to and from school. Please can we ask that only one parent/guardian brings your child/ children to school. This will minimise the amount of people on site. There will be 2 metre markers outside all entrance points, please adhere to this social distancing.
Please ensure that your child is on time. We will be unable to admit any child who arrives late as their allocated entrance will be closed to ensure the safety of pupils.
Pupils cannot be brought through the main entrance of the school for their sessions. (Hub pupils will enter/exit this way).
Teachers and Teaching assistants will greet pupils at these entrance points between 8.55 – 9.10am and dismiss pupils (to adults) from 12:50 – 1:05pm.
Hub pupils will enter the school through the main entrance at 8:30am and dismissed through the main entrance at 3:30am by one of the Teaching Assistants on duty in the hub.