Return to school
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Thank you for your patience in awaiting our plans for the reopening of school to all pupils. I hope that you and your family are all safe and well.
All staff are really looking forward to seeing the children again. They have missed them so much! Please be assured that with the support of the Local Authority, detailed risk assessments have been carried out and the school environment modified to ensure social distancing can be adhered to as far as possible. Clear cleaning and handwashing regimes have been planned and resourced. During these current times a review of school procedures will take place on a weekly basis.
In order to reduce risk to all who are accessing the school site, each class has their own entry and exit point.
We would ask that parents/ guardians stick to these allocated points when they pick up and drop off, observing social distancing at all times. Please avoid stopping and greeting friends as this will impede the safe entry and exit of other families.
Pupils HAVE to be escorted to and from school up to year 3. Please can we ask that only one parent/guardian brings your child/ children to school. This will minimise the amount of people on site. There will be 2 metre markers outside all entrance points, please adhere to this social distancing.
Please ensure that your child is on time. Pupils cannot be brought through the main entrance of the school and lessons start as soon as the class doors close. It will be difficult to enter school after the doors are closed as staff are teaching.
Pupils will not be allowed to enter the school building via the main entrance hall.
Breakfast club will NOT be running until after October half term. We will keep parents informed about this during the coming weeks.
Barnaby’s wrap-around and after-school club will be running – they will contact parents directly to confirm details.
School dinners
Chartwells will only be providing packed lunches for pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals. Chartwell will NOT be providing meals for pupils who normally have school dinners paid for by their parents until w/c Monday 14th September. These pupils will need to bring a packed lunch to school until this date.
Pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals will have a ‘grab-bag’ packed lunch from Thursday 3rd September onwards. No hot meals will be provided. Packed lunches will be eaten in the classrooms.
School Uniform
Children are encouraged to wear their normal school uniform. To prevent the spread of the virus it is advised that pupil’s clothes will need to be washed every day. We appreciate that this may not be possible every day with school uniform; so non-uniform will be accepted on occasional days.
Children should bring a coat or rain coat in the event of bad weather. We will be providing every child with their own resource pack to use in school. They should bring a drink of water and a snack for break time, along with a packed lunch (unless entitled to Free School Meal packed lunch).
Plan for pupils to return to school at Malpas Court Primary.
Tuesday September 1st |
School re-purposing and preparation |
School closed to all pupils |
Wednesday September 2nd |
School re-purposing and preparation |
School closed to all pupils |
Thursday September 3rd |
School open to all Y1 to Y6 pupils (* 50% of the class) and all SLIB pupils – full day |
Reception family’s induction Nursery family’s induction
Friday September 4th |
School open to all Y1 to Y6 pupils (* 50% of the class) and all SLIB pupils – full day |
Reception family’s induction Nursery family’s induction |
W/C Monday September 7th |
School open to all Y1 to Y6 pupils and all SLIB pupils – full day |
Reception Pupils induction week Nursery pupils induction week |
W/C Monday September 14th |
School open to all Y1 to Y6 pupils and all SLIB pupils – full day |
Reception Pupils induction week Nursery pupils induction week |
W/C Monday September 21st |
School open to all pupils – full day |
* Pupils in Year 1 to Year 6 with a surname beginning A to L (including L) will attend their class on Thursday 3rd September.
* Pupils in Year 1 to Year 6 with a surname beginning M to Z will attend their class on Friday 4th September.
Siblings with different surnames will need to attend on their allocated days listed above.
Nursery and Reception families will be notified as to when their “family’s induction” will take place and subsequent start dates for their child.
Entry and Exit points
Foundation Phase children.
- Reception pupils will use the nursery entrance to enter and leave school. The doors will open at 8:45 and shut at 8:55. Home time is 3:00
- Year 1 pupils will use their terrace door. The doors will open at 8:50 and shut at 9:00. Home time is 3:15. Please do not allow the children to play with any equipment or resources set up on the terrace.
- Year 2 pupils will use the entrance from the play yard at the back of the school. The doors will open at 8:50 and shut at 9:00. Home time is 3:15
- SLIB F.P Pupils will use the door by the car park. Doors open at 9:10 and Home Time is 3:15.
Key Stage 2 children.
- Year 3 pupils will use Miss Francis’s terrace door. The doors open at 8:45-8:55. Home Time is 3:15 ( to be collected by an adult).
- Year 4 pupils will use Mr Davies’s terrace door. The doors open at 9:00-9:10. Home Time is 3:30 ( to be collected by an adult if possible.
- Mrs Rawlings class Year 5/6 pupils will use the entrance by the gym/KS 2 library. The doors open at 8:50-9:00. Home Time is 3:30
- Mrs Edwards/Miss Dalecka’s class Year 5/6 pupils will use main Key Stage 2 entrance from the play yard. The doors open at 8:50-9:00. Home Time is 3:30
- SLIB KS2. Pupils will use the door by the car park. Doors open at 9:10 and Home Time is 3:15.
Parents will not be able to access school at any time. Any parent who wishes to speak to school staff with an urgent matter will need to ring or email the school office and we will arrange for that parent to be called back (urgent matters only).
ACCESS TO THE OFFICE IS NOT PERMITTED. Please contact the office via telephone or email.
Thank you for all your support and we look forward to seeing you all back in school very soon.
Debra Guy
Head Teacher