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Malpas Court Primary School

Where children learn to live and live to learn in an ever changing world

Year 6 Leavers



⭐️Year 6 Leavers Afternoon⭐️


Wednesday 15th July


Arrival / Departure:

Girls to arrive 10.40am

Boys to arrive 10.50am for a 11am start.


Mrs Edwards' class to enter and exit via the library. Miss Hereford's class to enter and exit via the main entrance (reception). SLIB pupils to enter and exit through usual door.


Order of events:

11am - Meeting with staff from Newport High School

11.30am - Leavers assembly with Mrs Guy

12.00pm - Shirt signing in the gym (there will be strict hygiene rules).

12.30pm - Outdoor picnic (provide own food)

1pm - Water slide

1.30pm - Girls to be collected by parents (form the same entrance point as listed above)

1.40pm - Boys to be collected by parents (form same entrance points as listed above)


All pupils will need to supply a shirt to be signed, a packed lunch, a drink, a change of clothes to wear home and a towel.


A photographer will be taking photos of the pupils from 12pm onwards. All photos will be shared with the pupils via Google Drive and Google email accounts. Unfortunately, due to strict social distancing measures we will not be able to invite parents into the assembly.


It will be lovely if all our year 6 pupils could attend.


Please let us know if you have any questions about the event.


Many thanks.

Mrs Edwards, Miss Hereford, Miss Dalecka and Mrs Mead
