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Malpas Court Primary School

Where children learn to live and live to learn in an ever changing world

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  • Our YEAR in pictures - July 2023

    Thu 20 Jul 2023

    Our YEAR in Pictures - July 2023

    A is for artists, animals, authors and Adobe workshops

    B is for baking, bingo, BEBRAS, bee keeping and beaches

    C is for coding, Commando Joe, collaboration, concerts and community

    D is for dressing up, debating, drums and DJ workshops

    E is for Energy Sparks, exploring, Eco awards and Eisteddfod

    F is for friendship, family, farms, forest school and Friday Night Takeaway

    G is for our Guylian Glade library, games, growth and green screen filming

    H is for Heddlu Bach, hip hop workshops and hot chocolate

    I is for investigating, internet safety and the International Space Station (Astro Pi)

    J is for joy, jokes and J2E

    K is for our new King and Kodable fuzzes

    L is for learning, Llangranog, litter picking and Lego League

    M is for maths, Mansion House, music and marshmallows

    N is for nurture, nature and Newport Live sports

    O is for outdoor learning

    P is for painting, problem solving, potions, prom, performances and paddling pools

    Q is for the Queens jubilee

    R is for role play, reading buddies, radio shows, resilience and recycling

    S is for sand, sketching, sports, swimming and Stick Man

    T is for teamwork, Thrive, travelling, trips and table tennis

    U is for ukulele’s and understanding

    V is for visitors, Valentines disco and victories

    W is for Wales, Whittle Court, worldwide links, winners, well-being and writing

    X is for xylophones

    Y is for Young Carers and yummy cooking

    Z is for Zero Waste Torfaen


    I hope this little reminder brings back some fond memories of this year, even though we are sad to be saying goodbye to some staff -as well as our year 6 who are off to high school.


    Thank you for all your continued support and engagement, we hope you all enjoy the summer break and we look forward to seeing you all in September!

  • Our Week in Pictures - 14.7.23

    Fri 14 Jul 2023

    Our Week in Pictures - 14.7.23

    It may be almost the end of term, but we are still squeezing in the fun at Malpas Court. We’ve had a beach party, developed our Commando Joes team building skills, taken part in music and movement, filmed with the green screen, practiced our multiplications with Minecraft, worked on our doubling, visited Tredegar Park, decorated the outside area with chalk art and opened our new library- Guylian Glade.

  • Our Week In Pictures - 7.7.23

    Fri 07 Jul 2023

    Our Week in Pictures - 7.7.23


    Wow, what a week we’ve had at Malpas Court! We have been busy holding our sports days, reading news reports, taking part in unplugged coding, practicing our Welsh, showing our place value skills, filming with the green screen, playing dodgeball, adventuring at Llangrannog, creating art inspired by Tim Pugh, collecting awards from Newport High School and meeting our local police officers as part of anti social behaviour awareness week.


    Thank you to everyone who came along to our sports days to support the children, they love having you there. A big thank you to everyone who came along to our book fair as well!
