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Malpas Court Primary School

Where children learn to live and live to learn in an ever changing world

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Class teachers

    Tue 30 Jun 2020 R Bearcroft

    It has been lovely to see pupils back this week; we really have missed them!


    We would like to inform parents/carers of the teachers and classes for next year.  


    Class information sheets will be posted to the website in the next few weeks – please read these before the start of term.


    Nursery –            Miss Short

    Reception –        Mrs Harvey

    Year 1 –               Miss Lee

    Year 2 –               Miss Hereford

    Year 3 –               Miss Francis

    Year 4 –               Mr Davies

    Year 5/6 –           Mrs Rawlings

    Year 5/6 –           Mrs Edwards/Miss Dalecka

    FP SLIB –             Mrs Harrington

    KS2 SLIB –           Mrs Webb/Miss Dalecka


    The Year 5/6 class teachers will email their pupils individually to inform them of their class teachers for next year.

    Miss Manfield will be returning tomorrow from maternity leave – I know the children will be looking forward to seeing her! We will be sad to see Miss Vincent leave - she has done a wonderful job of covering Miss Manfield’s maternity leave.


    Mrs Parsons will also be returning tomorrow from maternity leave – the children will be looking forward to seeing her! Again, we will be sad to see Mrs Edmonds leave – she has done a great job of covering Mrs Parson’s maternity leave.


    Mrs Mead will begin her maternity leave from September until Easter.


    We are very much looking forward to September and will be guided by the Welsh Government guidelines on how we begin the start of the new academic year. We will keep you informed over the coming weeks.

  • Free School Meals over the Summer Break

    Thu 25 Jun 2020 Malpas Court School Office

    Free School Meals over the Summer Break


    The Welsh Assembly Government have confirmed that they will provide supermarket vouchers for children entitled to free school meals to cover the 6 weeks of the summer holidays. You will receive 3 separate vouchers (one for each fortnight of the holiday) but they will be emailed to you over 3 days at the end of term.


    Therefore, the dates for your next 4 vouchers, which will take you up until the end of August, are:

    • Voucher 6- Wednesday 8th July
    • Voucher 7- Wednesday 15th July
    • Voucher 8- Thursday 16th July
    • Voucher 9- Friday 17th July

    You will not receive further vouchers over the holidays so vouchers 7,8 and 9 must last you for 6 weeks.


    Those vouchers that are normally received by the school and distributed to parents, will be put in the post to you on the last day of term.

  • Reminder

    Wed 24 Jun 2020 R Bearcroft

    Reminders for parents – Return to school


    As you know, pupils will be returning from Monday 29th June for Check in, Catch up and Prepare sessions.  Sessions are 9am – 1pm. 


    You will have been contacted by your child’s teacher with the week day that your child will be attending. Information about entrance/exit doors has already been shared.


    ACCESS TO THE OFFICE IS NOT PERMITTED. Please contact the office via telephone (01633 855005) or email (  if you have any queries. 


    Pupils HAVE to be escorted to and from school. Please can we ask that only one parent/guardian brings your child/ children to school. This will minimise the amount of people on site. There will be 2 metre markers outside all entrance points, please adhere to this social distancing.


    Please ensure that your child is on time.  We will be unable to admit any child who arrives late as their allocated entrance will be closed to ensure the safety of pupils.


    Pupils cannot be brought through the main entrance of the school for their sessions. (Hub pupils will enter/exit this way). 


    Teachers and Teaching assistants will greet pupils at these entrance points between 8.55 – 9.10am and dismiss pupils (to adults) from 12:50 – 1:05pm.


    Hub pupils will enter the school through the main entrance at 8:30am and dismissed through the main entrance at 3:30am by one of the Teaching Assistants on duty in the hub.

  • Message to Pupils

    Mon 22 Jun 2020 R Bearcroft


    We are so excited to be able to welcome you back in to school and we are all looking forward to seeing your lovely faces again!  We have been away from the school building for a long time and a lot has changed in the world since we left it in March.  School will feel a little bit different and the way we do things will have to be a little bit different from what we are used to for now. We know that change can be a little bit scary but we will help each other get used to the changes.


    What will school be like?

    • There will only be a small group of children in your class with you.
    • You will be in school for a shorter amount of time.
    • We will have to keep 2 metres apart from other people.
    • Although we will all really want to give each other a big hug we won’t be able to – we’ll have to share big smiles and waves instead.
    • We will have to wash our hands regularly.
    • You will keep your coat in the classroom with you. Please don’t bring a bag.
    • You will have your lunch at home but you can bring a piece of fruit as a snack.
    • You will walk on the left side of the corridor. There will be a colourful strip to ensure that you stay on your side of the corridor.
    • You will have lots of opportunities for outside learning, which will be fun!
    • Everyone will be given a bag containing crayons and pencils, this bag will only be for you to use.

    What will I have to do?

    • When you come to school in the morning you will say goodbye to your grown up at the entrance door designated for your class.
    • Your teacher will be at the entrance door to greet you.
    • Your teacher will help you learn the new rules in the classroom.
    • At home time, your teacher will take you back to the door that you came through to meet your grown.

    What won’t change?

    • You will still be a very important part of the Malpas Court family.
    • The adults in school will still help you and look after you and keep you safe.
    • You will still be able to go to the toilet when you need to.
    • You will still have fun and get to see some of your friends.
    • You will still learn a lot and get help with your work.
    • If you are worried about anything you can still tell an adult in school.


  • Letter about schools re-opening

    Fri 19 Jun 2020 R Bearcroft

    Dear Parents / Guardians,


    Thank you for your patience in awaiting our plans for the reopening of school to all pupils. I hope that you and your family are all safe and well. You are consistently in our thoughts during these challenging times.


    All staff are really looking forward to seeing the children again. They have missed them so much! Please be assured that with the support of the Local Authority detailed risk assessments have been carried out and the school environment modified to ensure social distancing can be adhered to as far as possible and clear cleaning and handwashing regimes have been planned and resourced.


    Following on from my previous letter, I am now in a position to inform you of specific times and days for your child’s return to school. We have allocated places for pupils with brothers and sisters at school on the same days to help families with childcare arrangements. Children will access school, in their year groups for one session a week from 9am to 1pm.


    It has been confirmed that school will be open until 17th July 2020, therefore the “Check-in, Catch-up and Prepare” will be for a period of 3 weeks.


    In order to reduce risk to all who are accessing the school site we will arrange for parents to drop off and pick up children at key points throughout these 3 weeks. We would ask that parents/ guardians stick to these allocated points and times when they pick up and drop off, observing social distancing at all times. Please avoid stopping and greeting friends as this will impede the safe entry and exit of other families.


    Pupils HAVE to be escorted to and from school. Please can we ask that only one parent/guardian brings your child/ children to school. This will minimise the amount of people on site. There will be 2 metre markers outside all entrance points, please adhere to this social distancing.


    Please ensure that your child is on time. We will be unable to admit any child who arrives late as their allocated entrance will be closed to ensure the safety of pupils. Pupils cannot be brought through the main entrance of the school.


    Entry and Exit points

    Foundation Phase children.

    • Reception pupils will use the nursery entrance.
    • Year 1 pupils will use their terrace door.
    • Year 2 pupils will use the entrance from the play yard.  (We are aware that this pathway is still in poor condition. However, the need to observe social distancing measures is of utmost importance at the moment and we need to ensure that all classes enter and exit school through a different door/pathway.  We believe it will be easier on this path as numbers of people using it will be greatly reduced.  Please take care when using this pathway to reduce the chance of any accidents and we ask that children are not allowed to run).


    Key Stage 2 children.

    • Year 4 pupils will use Mrs Harvey’s terrace door.
    • Year 3 pupils will use Mr Davies’s terrace door.
    • Year 5 pupils will use the entrance by the gym/KS 2 library.
    • Year 6 pupils will use main Key Stage 2 entrance from the play yard.


    Teachers and Teaching assistants will greet pupils at these entrance points between 8.55 – 9.10am and dismiss pupils (to adults) from 12:50 – 1:05pm.


    Hub pupils will enter the school through the main entrance at 8:30am and dismissed through the main entrance at 3:30am by one of the Teaching Assistants on duty in the hub.


    Parents will not be able to access school at any time.  Any parent who wishes to speak to school staff with an urgent matter will need to ring or email the school office and we will arrange for that parent to be called back (urgent matters only).   


    ACCESS TO THE OFFICE IS NOT PERMITTED. Please contact the office via telephone or email.


    The class teacher will contact you on Monday 22nd June 2020 to inform you of the day that your child will attend school from week beginning 29th June 2020.


    We will continue to set work for on-going home learning to support pupils when they do not have the opportunity to access school itself.


    This is a new way of working and we appreciate your patience. It is good that we are returning to school, but we must be mindful of the unprecedented times we are living in.  Returning to school needs to be safe, measured and carefully managed for all in our school community.


    I hope that you found our “Questions and Answers” document useful – this has been shared on our website and Weduc app.


    I will continue to keep you informed and truly appreciate all of your support.


    Debra Guy

    Head Teacher


  • Guidance about returning to school after lockdown

    Mon 15 Jun 2020 R Bearcroft



    Guidance for parents about returning to school after lockdown.


    Who should return to school?


    All pupils from nursery to year 6 will be eligible to return to school unless:

    • They have a shielding letter,

    • They live with a family member who has a shielding letter

    • They are ill

    Any child or family member who shows signs of Coronavirus should not attend school site and should follow the latest guidance from public health Wales and self-isolate for a period of 7 days.


    How much time will my child spend in school?

    Based on the current guidance from Welsh Government, no more than a third of pupils may be in school at any one time. This means to enable us to ensure that this happens, children from reception to year 6 will spend approximately half a day a week in school and the rest of the time at home continuing with home learning. Teachers will continue to provide this on the school website, via google classroom, Purple Mash and materials sent home from school.

    Children who attend nursery will attend at least 2 sessions over the 4-week period.


    What if I choose not to send my child to school?

    At the moment it is entirely up to parents if they choose to send their child to school. Parents will not be penalized or chastised for this in any way. All children will have home learning provided for them on a weekly basis. They should continue to access this and engage with learning at home as much as possible.


    What should my child wear to school?

    Children are encouraged to wear their normal school uniform. However, if they have outgrown this then non-uniform can be worn for the time being. To prevent the spread of virus it is advised that pupils clothes will need to be washed after attending a session.


    What should my child bring to school?

    Children should wear appropriate clothing to allow for work inside a classroom and outside in the school grounds. This includes a coat or rain coat in the event of bad weather. They can bring their own pencils/pens etc but will not be able to share these with others. We will be providing every child with their own resource pack to use in school. This will include paper, pens, pencils etc. They will not share these resources. They should bring a drink of water and a snack for break time.


    How will you ensure social distancing?

    Children in each class will be organised into 4 groups – these groups or bubbles will stay together and be in school on the same day each week. This means that each class will have a maximum of 8 children at any one time. Some classes will have as few as 4 or 5 children at a time. Children will sit at tables at a distance of 2m apart. They will have their own equipment in a zip locked wallet which will not be shared with others. Children will be closely supervised by staff during their time in school to ensure that the 2m distance is maintained.

    All adults accessing our school site are expected to adhere to the 2m social distancing rule. Please support us in doing this and modelling it for your children.

    Movement within the school will be kept to a minimum. There will be no large gatherings e.g. assemblies.


    How will you ensure good hygiene and prevent the spread of germs?

    Classes will have their own hand sanitizer and children and staff will be trained to use this regularly after touching any item. Medical advice shows that this is the best way to prevent the spread of germs. We have fun lessons that we already do with the children to teach them how to wash their hands properly.

    The school site will have focused and periodic cleaning by the school cleaners to prevent the spread of germs. School site will not open to the majority of pupils on a Wednesday to allow extra time for further focused cleaning of the premises.


    What will the toilet facilities be like?

    Children will have full access to our normal school toilets but will be limited to 1 pupil at a time to ensure that social distancing is adhered to.


    Will siblings have the same attendance times?

    We will endeavour to plan for siblings to attend school on the same day. However, we cannot guarantee this. We will do our best to plan things to make them as convenient as we can for families.


    What are the arrangements for first aid or if a child is taken ill?

    We have the same number of staff available that are first aid trained. If a child is taken ill, they will be supported by staff using appropriate PPE equipment.  Parents will be contacted to collect the child from school straight away. They will wait for their parent with staff in the newly designated medical/nurture room.


    What will the lunch arrangements be?

    Children will not generally have lunch in school. Children of key workers who have approved child care places should bring a packed lunch to eat in our designated childcare room.


    My child previously attended the childcare hub at Malpas Court. What support will they now be given?

    Children who previously attended the Malpas Court child care hub will now receive their daily child care at Malpas Court Primary School. A separate child care room has been set up for this small group of children. These children will have opportunity to be part of a group within their own class setting once a week; for the rest of their time they will be with the same peers in their hub group. They should bring a packed lunch, a snack and a drink. Child care will start at 8:30am and finish at 3:30pm.


    What will my child be doing in school?

    Children will undertake the distant learning tasks that the class teacher has been providing.  There will be no formal teaching at this stage. The focus will be on the well being of the children. We will be supporting children’s readiness for learning and focussing on their next steps for the autumn term. There will be regular breaks and activities undertaken outside.


    What should I be doing at home with my child?

    Teachers will continue to provide distant learning activities for the remainder of the summer term. These are evolving to ensure that there is a blend of “in school” and “out of school” learning. By coming to school during these last 4 weeks the children will be able to “catch-up”  with their teacher on the learning they have been undertaking at home.

    What about transition to Year 6?

    We are working with Newport High School and other schools to arrange appropriate transition opportunities. Week beginning 20th July school site will be open for year 6 and child care hub children only. Y6 will remain in their bubble groups but opportunity will be given for the children to see one another at a social distance as a whole class. We will strive to make this last week in school as special as we possibly can.


    What about transition for other classes?

    Children will be told about their class teacher for September and arrangements will be made to undertake some transition activities as part of whole school learning. We will notify you of your child’s new class teacher over the next few weeks.


    Will pupils have to be dropped off and picked up from school?

    All pupils will need to be brought to and from school by an adult. This will allow teachers and parents to share important information.


    Will school be like this in September?

    School will continue to be organised in learning bubbles in September. Home learning will also continue. This will be the arrangement until Welsh Government and the Local Authority advise us otherwise.



  • Phased return to school letter

    Mon 15 Jun 2020 R Bearcroft


    Monday 15th June 2020


    A Phased Return to School – the Cluster Primary Schools

    Dear Parents and Guardians,


    We hope you are all well.


    Following the publication of the Welsh Government’s operational and learner guidance last week, Newport schools are simultaneously communicating their broad re-opening arrangements for pupils today, with further information from individual schools to follow within the next few days.

    The Newport High School Cluster of Primary Schools have been working very closely together during lockdown and will continue to do so during the phased re-opening of all our schools.

    As such, the following broad arrangements have been agreed as a cluster:

    • From 22/06/20 the Childcare Hubs for the children of Key Workers will re-locate to their ‘home’ schools
    • Every pupil will have the opportunity to return to school once a week for a period of four hours; this will be over the course of three weeks, the fourth week will be utilised at the individual school’s discretion to best meet the needs of their pupils
    • Pupils will be able to attend in groups or ‘bubbles’ in a manner that enables siblings to attend on the same day
    • All pupils will be in groups no larger than 10 pupils; a number of schools will operate groups of no more than 8 pupils because this is subject to the availability of space, appropriate staffing and access to cleaning
    • The schools will be closed to all pupils (*) for one day a week to allow for deeper cleaning and distant learning preparation to continue
    • All pupils will have the option to undertake some distant learning activities in school with the support of their Class Teacher
    • Our original transition plans for Year 6 are somewhat changed following Welsh Government’s announcement and the related guidance, but be assured alternative opportunities are being discussed and finalised to take place over the next four weeks


    *Except for the children of Key Workers.


    The Hub childcare provision will continue for four weeks as it currently runs but located in individual schools from Monday 22nd June; we will be asking all eligible parents to reapply in order for all applications to be assessed against newly refined criteria and address the fact that some family circumstances have changed since the original application.


    The arrangements that we have made are in line with the Welsh Government guidance and we, as a group of Headteachers, feel that this is safest way for staff and pupils to be able to return to school. 

    With Newport City Council’s guidance, all the appropriate risk assessments have been undertaken to reduce the risk of infection and cross contamination, but please understand, that the risk has not been completely eliminated.


    If you have been keeping up-to-date with Welsh education news you will know that these four weeks are for pupils to be able to check-in, catch-up and prepare for the summer and a continued phased return in the Autumn. The choice to send your child to school is yours.  The Government have stated there will be no penalty if you choose not to do so.


    School will look very different.  The way we undertake our daily routines will be very different.  However, what is very much the same are our pupils and staff.  By working together constructively over this difficult period of phased return we can ensure they reconnect, albeit in a different way, with the wellbeing of everyone being our priority.


    Information regarding “timetables and organisation” will be sent to all parents by Monday 22nd June.

    Your continued patience, understanding and cooperation is very much appreciated.


    Kind regards,

    Debra Guy

    Head Teacher



    Cluster Primary Head Teachers

    Crindau Primary School – Mrs M Ward (Head Teacher)

    Malpas Church in Wales Primary School – Mrs S Hunt (Acting Head Teacher)

    Malpas Court Primary School – Mrs D Guy

    Malpas Park Primary School – Mrs K Guest

    Millbrook Primary School – Mrs L Watkins

    Monnow Primary School – Ms L Bowden (Executive Head Teacher)


  • Questionnaire

    Wed 10 Jun 2020 R.Bearcroft

    We are waiting for further information from Welsh Government about schools re-opening on 29th June and how this will work.


    We are asking parents to complete this questionnaire to assist us with planning. 



    Many thanks 


    Mrs Guy 

  • Message to Parents

    Thu 04 Jun 2020 R Bearcroft

    I am sure that by now you will be aware of the Welsh Governments announcement that pupils will be able to attend school and meet up with their class teacher before the end of the Summer Term, which has been extended to July 27th. The phase will begin on June 29th.


    Meetings with the Local Authority and other Head Teachers, over the next week, will take place to ensure that we have a plan to move forward safely.  I know that you will appreciate that there will be a considerable amount of planning required prior to pupils returning to school.


    I will keep you all informed and show pupils what they can expect to see when they return to school so they are able to prepare.  This will allow individual parents the opportunity to make an informed decision as to whether to allow their child to return or not.


    I welcome any comments or thoughts that can help us move forward in these unprecedented times.


    Thank you for your continued support.

    Debra Guy
